Is it possible to connect this synth to any DAW studio?
Can you give me some instruction.
If not, i am open to contribute for create vsti plugin or some similar.

sorry for my bad english :)


    yes, you can connect this synth to any DAW by using the external program available on the homepage which can output the audio it receive from the application to any devices supporting it, you then need to specify it which device to use, any DAW should be listed with the --i argument. It can also act as a sort of "plugin" if you specify multiple output channels (only stereo pair) with the --output_channels 2 argument.

    Instructions for Linux :

    • download (or compile it) this :
    • launch your DAW
    • launch Fragment Audio Server in a terminal : ./fas-linux-32 --i this will show a list of all audio devices, your DAW should appear in the list as "PortAudio device ID - YOUR_DAW_NAME", note the audio device ID for the next step
    • launch it again with : ./fas-linux-32 --device ID (replace ID by your DAW device id)
    • with Chrome, in the app, click on the icon which represent a wave to connect it to your DAW :
    • you then need to assign the input channels on your DAW to your DAW tracks

    What is your DAW ?

    If it fail, it may be because your DAW use a different sample rate than the external program (it use 44100 by default), you can specify the sample rate to use by launching it with ./fas-linux-32 --device ID --sample_rate 96000, many more arguments are documented here, an useful one is --alsa_realtime_scheduling 1 for lower latency (Linux only)

    Actually, it would be way more accessible to have a plugin as well, it shouldn't be too hard so maybe it will be done in the near future. :)

    Here is a video recorded with the DAW i am using with Fragment on a regular basis (the external program run on a Raspberry PI) :

      4 days later

      Sorry for delay.
      Thanks for you exhaustive answer!
      I use ableton&windows. I will try to use FAS in this week and send result to you.

      In my opinion, if you will make standalone VST plugin it will be great.
      Browser is not a professional music platform..

        8 months later
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