Fragment was updated today with a quite massive update bringing many new features, this update is a step into a complete live coding environment, some videos will be produced soon to show off all the cool features, for now, here is the change log :
- multitimbral abilities through accessible MIDI channel values
- GLSL errors will not stop the audio/visuals anymore, very useful for live-coding
- MIDI devices dialog which can be used to enable/disable MIDI devices
- hot plugging of MIDI devices is now supported
- extended polyphony, only limited by the GPU (polyphony capability is automatically detected from the GPU)
- configurable output channel per slices, this allow Fragment to work like any modern audio plugins and most importantly like a real synthesizer would work
- monaural mode, this is a very important feature because it allow to produce synchronized visuals to work alongside the audio that is generated, in monaural mode, the complete RGB output components are available to do visuals stuff (and the alpha component is used for the audio synthesis)
- fullscreen code editor with transparent background by pressing F11 when the editor is focused
- new settings to show actual polyphony and osc. count
- new settings to hide/show the ugly slice bars or hide the slices completely
- new user interface guide (available on the help dialog)
- many serious bug fixes (some of them affect FAS as well)
- new website

The documentation is also near completion and should be available in less than a month!