An update was published today featuring an improved web audio engine (much faster!) and output spectrum view :
- Fragment now use WebAudio optimized oscillators as the default synthesis engine, this mean a big jump in performances, if you have a fast processor, much less crackles is to be expected! This eliminate the need of the native program with my i7 processor and Google Chrome browser

- A real-time logarithmic scale spectrum can be shown by clicking on the "analysis" icon, there will be more analysis tools and options in this dialog in the future
- Small UI related fixes
The massive audio performance improvement was made possible by the audio synthesis part port of one of my first version of another big project somehow related to Fragment and which is still in development, the first version featured fast real-time additive synthesis by the use of WebAudio oscillators, something which required many prototypes before getting it right, the next iteration of that project switched to a faster non-realtime versions pre-computing audio chunks with a wavetable, this solved alot of problems at the time because of issues with WebAudio oscillators on FireFox and because of the non-realtime nature of that project, Fragment was initially based on the last version of the other project i am working on, so a wavetable was used... now it use the faster method for real-time additive synthesis 
I am still working on the spectrum view to add more features and will continue to optimize the web audio engine, consider this as a preview for what is to come! I will add some settings to switch to a wavetable in case there is issues with WebAudio oscillators.
A complete in-app documentation with nice examples is also n progression