yes Faust is going to be supported in an upcoming release of Fragment as a simple and elegant way to extend the audio server generators and effects, it will not work collaboratively however.
This will first be a feature of the audio server : a button will be available on the web client which when clicked will send a reload request to the audio server which will then compile on the fly *.dsp files found into a generators
or effects
folder, one can then assign the new generators / effects to Fragment channels or just use the updated ones.
I am also looking to provide *.dsp code from the web client but that will be in a later release, right now focusing on bug fixes, some features and this release. 
More Faust related features may come in the future especially on the accessibility / live coding side, right now it is pretty much static and just work as a kind of audio plug-in format for the audio server with some limited live coding capabilities.