Fragment was updated today :
- subtractive and PM synthesis can now be selected in the FAS settings dialog
- real-time recording can now be exported to .WAV from the recording dialog (with additive synthesis only)
- mipmap input filter is now available
- added interpolation between bins to increase sonogram quality of imported sounds
- move FAS settings dialog button to a proper button in the main toolbar
- much better looking quickstart guide and revamped help dialog
- enhanced fullscreen mode editor
- fix some issues when FAS is enabled
- fix background opacity when the editor is in fullscreen mode
- fix issue with record canvas
- update documentation
The audio server was also updated for all platforms :
- add phase modulation synthesis
- add subtractive synthesis with Moog type filter and 3 waveforms (triangle / sawtooth / square)
- granular synthesis : improved & optimized on many levels, grains samples can now be changed in real-time without crackles
- granular synthesis : grains are now resampled with linear interpolation
- fix granular synthesis issues with envelopes and negative grains speed
- fix issue with stereo samples loading
- Valgrind was used to hunt down all memory leaks
FAS Relay (distributed synthesis) was updated with minor fixes.
Note : Fragment was published around the same time last year and progressed alot since then... and more is to come! 
01/01/2018 UPDATE : A quick compatibility fix was applied for WebGL 1.0 support. This was introduced when WebGL 2.0 support was implemented. Thank to Steven Alexander for the report.
Best wishes to all for 2018!